Held in October 20-23, 2019, the Forest Summit hosted a group of keynote speakers and panelist – global leaders and researchers in the field of forestry and reforestation – from Armenia, Israel, Kenya, Lebanon, the United States, as well as representatives of international organizations such as the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s Green Climate Fund and WWF. Mr. David Kocharov, Synergy’s Vice President, was among the panelists.
At the session titled “The Role of the IT Sector and Technological Innovation in Forest Conservation and Restoration”, Mr. Kocharov shared Synergy’s experience as the technology provider in the implementation of the Control Module of the National Information System for Forestry and Wildlife (MC-SNIFFS) for the National Forest and Wildlife Service of Peru (SERFOR), the country’s primary source of forest information management.

Detailing on how the software system’s tailor-made functionalities are enabling authorities in Peru enhance the provision and effectiveness of forest sector governance in the country, Mr. Kocharov said: “Management Information Systems can become an important tool in managing entire life-cycle of forest management, from zoning and planning to concession management, and automating business processes”.