Education Dimark June 15, 2022


Streamline Education Planning, Budgeting & Reporting

Synergy’s Education Management Information System (EMIS) is an education data collection, analysis and reporting toolset targeted at the needs of education ministries, educational institutions, and policy-makers. It provides results-based planning, implementation and monitoring of education programs, enabling delivery of high quality education in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Students Data

Synergy EMIS provides teachers/lecturers with simple online, offline and mobile tools for capturing and reporting data on students’ records and their progress.

Teachers Data

Synergy EMIS enable students to evaluate the performance of teachers thereby facilitating the tracking of educators’ performance and professional development.

Institutions Data

Synergy EMIS also captures information on educational institutions to manage the distribution and allocation of educational resources and services.

Establish a Unified Education Data Repository

Synergy EMIS provides a centralized, secure repository for the education data that education ministries and policy-makers need most. EMIS web-based data entry capabilities enable staff to rapidly collect, organize, and store education data (both quantitative and qualitative) across numerous institutions.

Using Synergy’s flexible Education Management Information Systems (EMIS), education ministries can collect, analyze and report education performance indicators. Educators and academics can create and distribute course materials for students, communicate with students, calculate grades and track performance. Educational institutions use our systems for managing financial resources, coordinating academic courses and staff schedules, conducting quality assurance (QA) surveys, issuing diplomas and more.

Greater educational impact through better education data usage – that’s what our solutions can help you to deliver.