Monitor & Analyze Aid Flows & Improve Management of Development Interventions
Over the past decade, a new global consensus has emerged on the importance of delivering development aid more effectively. From the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness to the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation, the central theme is country ownership. Developing countries must lead the sustainable development of their societies, with the international community supporting national and local priorities.
Unified Data On Development Projects
With over 35 country systems, Synergy DAD is the world’s leading Aid Information Management System (AIMS). It provides country governments, development partners, and citizens with a comprehensive, transparent, and accurate picture of development activities at the country level.
Our suite of products for development effectiveness has evolved in line with the needs of our clients in developing countries. Today, Synergy’s DAD, Public Investment Management Solution together provide a complete platform for managing a country’s development aid, public investments, and national budget.