Events and Webinars
A Deep-Dive into Synergy Solutions Directly from the Makers
Change Management In Justice DigitalizationActivities before, during and after digital transformation projects in the justice domain.
Piloting Social Protection MIS in BarbadosChallenges and Lessons Learned on Launching a Nationwide Integrated Social Protection System
The Role of GovTech in Advancing Development EffectivenessJoin Synergy Digital Talks to explore aid and development effectiveness.
Digitalizing Justice SystemsHow to effectively prepare stakeholder and technical requirements, map internal processes, and come up with a comprehensive RFP.
Paperless Court for AdministratorsWatch the webinar to find out how you can apply Synergy eCase to design and maintain a case management system without coding.
Synergy at the 2nd Annual EACJ Judicial ConferenceJoin the Synergy team at the 2nd Annual EACJ Judicial Conference in Kampala, Uganda.
Digital PFM: Technology for Public Investment ManagementWatch the webinar to explore the current state of public investment management software, and how data and technology can be used to improve the efficiency of national investments.
Synergy Is Gearing Up For CMJA Conference 2022Meet us at CMJA Conference 2022 September 4-9 | Accra, Ghana
Agile, Rapid and Remote Implementation of Social Protection and COVID-19 Response SystemsIn this webinar, our experts discuss how Synergy Auxilium – a social protection information system, assists governments in protecting their most vulnerable citizens from COVID-19-induced economic harm.