Assisting Governments In Budgeting Based on Their Policy & Programmatic Priorities
Manage a Collaborative, Outcome-Focused Budgeting Process
Enable Distributed & Continuous Planning
Centralize Reporting onto a Single Platform
Measure Performance & Track Results
Organize Budget Processes
Define the framework of national goals and formulate measurement tools for them
Identify the operational baseline, i.e. minimal level of expenses required to continue day-to-day operations of state and local governments
Estimate revenues both from domestic & international sources. Set budget allowances for the budgetary units
Formulate the national budget through a collection of development and recurrent expenditure requirements from budgetary units
Approve new initiative requests at a budgetary unit level. Approve budget at all levels of government hierarchy, including consultations with line ministries, approval by Cabinet, Parliament, President, etc.
Budget Planning
Synergy’s Budgeting solution provides a central platform for budget planning, revisions and negotiations between the Ministry of Finance and line Ministries. Customized tools enable the system’s authorized users to link of line items and projects to policy priorities across multiple years in accordance with an MTEF or similar policy framework.
The system automates distribution and adjustment of budgetary allocations fully tracks budget revisions, such as the supplementary and complementary budgets, and allows a wide range of analyses of gaps and overlaps to ensure well-informed and coherent planning in line with national priorities and development strategies.

Budget Execution
SBS provides a wide-range of critical tools to empower the Government to effectively monitor the budget execution process, including registering allotments, registering new requests, and transferring funds.
It contains development budget information on all external assistance and public investment projects that are to be either financed or co-financed from the budget.
SBS can be integrated with Financial Management Information Systems (FMIS) for exchange of accounting data and payment information. SBS can be used to define “drivers“ that could impact the budget, such as the price of oil, exchange rates, rate of inflation, and can “carry forward“ unused funds to next year’s budget.
Analyzing & Presenting Budget Data
Spend your time analyzing data rather than compiling it. Easily assemble actionable data from anywhere in the system for analysis.
SBS’ analytical tools make it simple to search and query budget information by budget account, ministry, region, type of expenditure, program, project and activity. Users can create sophisticated and user-friendly reports, charts, and GIS maps to support informed decision-making relevant to budget activity.
The system also provides a dynamic interface for presenting under- or over-budgeting, variances between line ministry requests, and ceilings set by the Government.