Intelligent Case Management Solution for an Improved Justice SystemEnhance efficiency, transparency and accountability in courts and criminal justice agencies. Ensure equal access to justice for everyone in your community
Investigation Case Management
Streamline case management workflows to support the investigation cycle, from crime reporting to evidence processing and intelligence analysis. Perform accurate investigation, in less time, with less effort.
Synergy eCase covers functionality for police institutions at all levels. Law enforcement institutions such as police posts, investigation units, district and regional offices, as well as police headquarters will benefit from the advantages the solution offers.

Prosecution Case Management
Gain control of the entire prosecution cycle, from pretrial to trial and sentencing. Focus on core activities and effectively manage your caseload while reducing paperwork and eliminating case delays.
Similar to the police, all prosecution institutions including the headquarters and its corresponding units will be able to access their cases through a unique user interface within the system.

Court Case Management
Integrate all courts under one tech umbrella and handle cases from initiation to post-disposition. Reduce case backlog, speed up case disposition, improve adjudication while providing a more accessible public service.
Synergy eCase for the judiciary operates at all court levels and provides public access for any citizen to electronically file a public first instance court case or to appeal an existing decision.

Corrections Case Management
Mitigate risks by managing all inmate information and processes in a single environment. Bring together prisons, community corrections, courts and other agencies to efficiently provide public safety.
To manage inmates’ information for both detention and imprisonment, Synergy eCase is equipped with a Correction Services Case Management Module where all prisons can track case histories, sentencing, and other relevant information pertaining to their inmates.

Integrated CMS
Integrated CMS
Integrated Case Management
Synergy’s integrated case management system connects law enforcement, prosecuting agencies, courts, and corrections to facilitate communication and interaction between institutions and individuals, such as attorneys and litigants. The process is seamless and it intelligently guides users through the entire case lifecycle while allowing you to set unique user access permissions for each department, role, form, or stage of the caseflow.
With a fully connected justice system and robust analytics, there is no opportunity for data fragmentation and miscommunication. Give agencies and courts access to paperless operations and get a complete picture of their performance.

Judiciary Performance
Judiciary Performance
Judiciary Performance Management
At the heart of Synergy’s Judiciary Performance Management System is the belief that both quality and efficiency are required to improve public perceptions of the judiciary and enhance the rule of law.
The system combines case statistics with staff performance evaluations to provide a holistic view of organizational performance against predefined targets and strategic plans. This enables decision makers to identify risks and immediately take corrective action.

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Core Capabilities
- e-Filing & Online Case Data Entry
- Electronic Documents
- Summoning
- Virtual Court
- Online Case Collaboration
- Calendar & Task Management
- Advanced Analytical Reporting
- Automated Workflow Processing
- Security & Audit
- Form & Template Management
- API Gateway & Integrations
e-Filing & Online Case Data Entry
e-Filing & Online Case Data Entry
The case filing module supports logging and updating of cases, streamlining case filing for administrative staff, reducing potential backlogs, and eliminating the risks associated with physical case files. This replaces paper-based filing systems and enables virtual access from any web browser to a fully auditable single source of truth.

Electronic Documents
Electronic Documents
Synergy eCase enables the merging of various documents into one file while generating the respective content and pagination. Moreover, users can create various folders and move documents between each. It also enables users to perform search queries not only across the documents of a particular case, but also conduct search queries across the documents available in the system to which their user has access.
Synergy eCase allows users with relevant permission to electronically sign documents in a secure manner with the option of adding an electronic stamp on the documents, which can be uploaded into the system or can be generated within the system.

The e-Summoning feature allows to electronically summon parties (summons, notices, orders), and the tracking of the delivery status of notifications to the recipient’s mail inbox.
Through e-summoning functionality, authorized users of the system can generate the summon that informs the defendant that they are being sued or are required to appear in court at an indicated date. The summon can be distributed via email, system notification, or SMS, without the need of sending paper-based forms.

Virtual Court
Virtual Court
Synergy eCase is equipped with a built-in Virtual Courts module that operates as an open-source technology Openvidu. This allows the recordings of sessions to be stored both on-premises and in the cloud.
Virtual Courts solution is fully integrated within Synergy eCase, which enables the automatic identification of the court staff and parties with their respective names during the online hearing. Moreover, Virtual Courts can easily replicate the Courtroom setup and visualize it in the online hearing screen.

Online Case Collaboration
Online Case Collaboration
Given that sometimes there is a need for several people to work on a case simultaneously, the re-engineered version of Synergy eCase allows for simultaneous access for assigned users from the Judiciary to the particular case in order to conduct their respective activities.
The users will be able to access only those specific sections of the case, on which they need to work with to ensure the correctness of the case data and processing. In addition to the simultaneous collaboration on a case, it is also possible to run closed discussion groups by inputting private comments on the case.

Calendar & Task Management
Calendar & Task Management
Our Calendar control enables system users to manage daily schedules and dockets, as well as tasks, meetings, and appointments. Users can keep track of case deadlines, hearings and other events through their personal online calendar. Workflow prompts help to automate scheduling of case events and send notifications to all case parties.
To increase efficiency, the new version allows to create Court Rolls with the ability to manage online the availability of the court staff. This facilitates the session scheduling process. Once checking the Court Rolls and Calendar information, the assigned user will possess all the information on staff availability.

Advanced Analytical Reporting
Advanced Analytical Reporting
Synergy’s interactive data visualization toolkit includes reports, charts, and GIS maps that track case statistics and reveal trends, inefficiencies, and bottlenecks.
Reports can be combined into dashboards to drill down into case data for improved analysis and decision-making. Users can save reports for future one-click access or share them with other users.

Automated Workflow Processing
Automated Workflow Processing
Our Workflow designer enables the automation and continuous improvement of case processes and user actions. Administrators define the set of states that a case must pass through from initiation to closure thus making it possible to incorporate business processes of any justice institution, easily adapting to rules and conditions stipulated by law.

Security & Audit
Security & Audit
To provide the maximum protection of the sensitive data from unauthorized access, the security of the Synergy eCase is built by a combination of a Login Identification and passwords. It also supports “strong passwords” which will be subject to enforcement rules.
The Synergy Administration Center is also equipped with an electronic Audit Trail tool that tracks the source of each and every data submission or change in the system. It allows system administrators to track every system-related activity, date and time of the change, source of change, user ID, type, and action implemented.
Synergy eCase grants users with access to system modules, forms, workflow states, and even data entry fields based on their role within the justice sector institution. It can also allocate permissions, based on the specific institution or according to other attributes and rules as defined by the user.

Form & Template Management
Form & Template Management
Form Management tool helps system users to build forms for their entities and control how information can be captured. This is done through simply dragging and dropping fields to where they need to be. All the activities are carried out without writing a single line of code.
Synergy eCase also enables users to instantly produce case documents based on predefined templates with auto-populated case information. This may include subpoenas, warrants, affidavits, orders, or decisions with support for e-signatures

API Gateway & Integrations
API Gateway & Integrations
Synergy eCase platform has a built-in integration gateway (SIG) and underlying technological interoperability capability (APIs) that has been developed to ensure the openness of the technology platform and support data exchange with other external systems.
That is to say, Synergy eCase supports both API management solutions and enterprise service bus (ESB) technology.

Featured Case Studies
Rwanda’s Justice Sector Integrated Electronic Case Management System Connecting all institutions belonging to the Justice, Reconciliation, Law and Order Sector in Rwanda
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What Our Clients Say
“When we met Synergy & realised they could live our IT dream with us, we didn’t look back and we’ve no regret. To our public who trust us, our partners who provide resources, colleagues and institutions in govt who support us, IT friends.
Busingye Johnston, Minister of Justice, Rwanda
Our Latest Awards
Commonwealth Access to Justice Innovation Award (2024)

Top 10 Court Technology Solution Award (2017)

Innovative Management Award (2016)