Within the frames of developing the Monitoring and Evaluation Information Management System (M&E MIS) for Lusaka Sanitation Project instigated by the Government of Zambia, Synergy International Systems recently organized a week-long training and knowledge transfer session for the representatives of administrative and IT staff members from project stakeholder entities – the Lusaka City Council, Zambia Ministry of Health, and Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company (LWSC).
The training demonstrated the administration, installation, and maintenance work of the M&E MIS software, as well as introduced the new modifications of the system.
“The training helped us better understand the software system in terms of software development and technology to help our teams back home. The M&E MIS will give us real time information which we can actually use to make better decisions on carrying out our day to day workflows,” said Ms. Nkweluka Kabwiri, from LWSC. “Having that background knowledge really helps us to make any further adjustments to the system,” she added.
The knowledge transfer will enable the Lusaka Sanitation Project staff get a deeper understanding on how the system works.

“The M&E MIS software provides extensive flexibility which allows us not to be dependable on Synergy in terms of day-to-day modifications. From now onwards, changing some parameters and characteristics of the system based on our changing needs done on our end,” said Mr. Abhinav Goel, Lusaka Sanitation Project Program Management Expert.
Moreover, the training introduced the new modifications of the system. “The system will provide facilities for different users from data collectors to increase their efficiencies. It will mostly be paperless data collection,” said Mr. Goel. “The software will help managers to supervise their various programs and projects in the sanitation sector and provide them with analytical tools to analyze and improve decision-making. Overall, the government can transparently see the performance of the sanitation sector and provide oversee performance.
One of the modifications of the system is to facilitate the integration of the M&E MIS software with other software systems of the Lusaka City Council, the Ministry of Health, and the Lusaka Water and Sanitation. “This integrated approach will enable data accumulation and reduce duplication of work and increase efficiency of processes,” said Mr. Goel.
The M&E MIS software custom-designed and developed by Synergy is a comprehensive computerized, georeferenced, and integrated software. Once completed, it will streamline and automate processes, facilitate communication and interactions between various stakeholders and automate processes from requests for services to payments, verification and complaints, thus rendering program implementation processes paperless and more efficient.