Synergy’s Social Protection Information System (Auxilium) product has been selected as the winner of 2016 World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) Emerging Digital Solution Award. Synergy exhibited the award-winning SPIS at the World Congress on IT (WCIT) in Brasilia, Brazil on October 3-5, 2016.
The theme of WCIT 2016 was “Promises of the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities.” The Congress was organized by WITSA and brought together over 2,500 visitors from 82 countries worldwide. It was a unique platform for ICT companies to interact and devise new solutions to ensuring access to market innovations for all.

Synergy SPIS is a robust software solution that helps governments manage social assistance and conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs and deliver resources to beneficiary citizens and households. SPIS enables governments to manage beneficiaries, calculate and monitor eligibility, verify a beneficiary’s identity, manage payments, and produce aggregate statistics on the performance and results of social protection programs.