Synergy To Develop Monitoring Software For Belgian Development Agency (BTC) Anna Sargsyan January 11, 2017

Synergy To Develop Monitoring Software For Belgian Development Agency (BTC)

Vienna, Virginia, USA, 10 January, 2017 – The Belgian Development Agency (BTC) (now known as Enabel) the international development agency of the Belgian government, has selected Synergy Indicata as its enterprise Monitoring Software.

BTC’s Indicata-powered system will monitor the implementation and results of the organization’s more than 200 programs and projects across 14 partner countries. It will be used at all levels of the organization, including project and program offices, the 14 country representations, and the head office in Brussels.

BTC implements development projects throughout the world with the goal of eradicating poverty. It works in various sectors, including agriculture, environment, education, gender, governance, health, and water and sanitation.