In January 2012, Synergy was contracted by the World Bank and Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Secretariat to design a flexible, web-based Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) information system for the Electronic Government for Regional Integration Project (EGRIP). EGRIP is a World Bank-funded project bringing together the national governments of Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent & The Grenadines to promote greater efficiency, quality, and transparency in public services through the delivery of regionally integrated e-government applications.
The purpose of the web-based M&E information system is to track the status of the variables outlined in the EGRIP M&E Framework (subcomponents, major activities, intermediate indicators, and outcome indicators), present the data collected in a manner that is easy to comprehend, make this information available to the REGU (Regional Electronic Government Unit) and other stakeholders, and enable user-friendly report generation for stakeholders with different user profiles.
The EGRIP M&E Information System was launched in August of 2012 for use by EGRIP M&E staff, beneficiary agencies in Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent & The Grenadines, and other OECS stakeholders.