The National Strategy for Digital Governance in Sao Tomé and Principe (STP) calls for several digital transformation initiatives aimed at boosting the provision of digital services. One of those initiatives is to digitalize the country’s justice system.
To that end, in December 2022, the Government of STP, with the support of the UNDP Office to STP, awarded a contract to Synergy International Systems to implement an Integrated Case Management System (ICMS) for the justice system. The ICMS will be rolled out in phases, with the first phase covering the entire cycle of criminal proceedings across Police, Prosecution, Judiciary, and Prison in the city of Sao Tome, and at the later stage to be expanded to the whole country. This gradual approach will ensure a smooth transition to fully digitalized processes of administering justice.
In January 2023, Synergy’s system analysts Karine Gevorgyan and Sergey Barseghyan traveled to STP to conduct a needs assessment and evaluate the resources and capabilities required to ensure the successful operation of the ICMS.
As part of the visit, they met with the key stakeholders of the criminal justice system, including the Ministry of Justice, Internal Administration and Human Rights, Supreme Court of Justice, Court of First Instance, Public Ministry, Ministry of Defense and Internal Administration, Prison Services and Social Reinsertion, Judiciary Police, National Police, Lawyers of Organization of STP, and the National Assembly.
The ICMS will be Synergy’s first e-justice project in a Portuguese-speaking country and the first implementation of Synergy’s eCase solution in a civil law jurisdiction.