Synergy Launches Work on Forensic Case Management System in Moldova
In April 2022, Synergy began work on the design and development of a Forensic Case Management System (FCMS) for the national forensic institutions in the Republic of Moldova, including the National Centre for Judicial Expertise, Police Forensic Centre and Centre of Legal Medicine. The work is carried out in close coordination with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, Electronic Governance Agency, and Information Technology and Cyber Security Service.
The system will digitize the business processes of the forensic institutions, helping to improve the record-keeping process and ensure proper custody of forensic evidence. Functionally, the system will allow the forensic institution’s key personnel to digitally open an evidence case, enter relevant information about the evidence (including documents and photos) in the case file, and distribute the case for cross-verification and acceptance.
Following the inception mission to Chisinau, Moldova, Synergy is currently in the system design phase, working in tandem with the Ministry of Justice and UNDP Moldova. Synergy has also partnered with Enterprise Business Solutions, a Moldovan technology firm, to help provide local implementation support to the project.
The activity is implemented within the “Strengthening Efficiency and Access to Justice in Moldova” Project implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with the financial support of Sweden.
The objective of the A2J Project is to contribute to increased efficiency of justice services and to improved access to justice for men and women, in particular from vulnerable and marginalized groups through enhanced capacities of forensic institutions to provide qualitative justice services, strengthened capacities of the justice sector actors to provide a coordinated response to men’s and women’s justice needs, as well as a strengthened civil society able to claim the respect of rights and engage in a constructive dialogue with the justice chain actors at the local level.

Synergy Begins Work on National eCase System in Ethiopia
Synergy has started work on the design and development of an Integrated Case Management Information System (iCMIS) and Electronic Records Management System (eRMS) for the Federal Courts of Ethiopia. The project is being executed under the USAID/Ethiopia Feteh (Justice) Activity, with prime implementing partner Millennium DPI. The Feteh Activity has the goal of building the capacity of Federal and Regional Supreme Courts’ personnel to implement judicial reforms consistent with international human rights standards and to introduce international best practice systems to improve court administration and case management.
The iCMIS and eRMS will be co-designed and developed over the next several months and piloted in the Supreme Court and seven High Courts, before a full national federal court rollout by the end of 2023.
Following the successful kick-off meeting with all key project stakeholders, including Millennium DPI (Feteh Activity Prime Contractor), Perago Systems (Synergy’s local partner), Digifinance (Feteh Activity Subcontractor), and the Federal Courts of Ethiopia, the Synergy team travelled to Addis Ababa for the inception mission which was used as an opportunity to refine the scope and priorities of the project.
Synergy Digitalizes the Jail System in Jamaica
Synergy has been awarded a contract to implement a Jail Management System (JMS) for the Government of Jamaica. The JMS is supported by the Inter-American Development Bank and will support the Department of Correctional Services under the Ministry of National Security. Synergy has partnered with PricewaterhouseCoopers who will provide local project administration, systems analysis and change management.
This project fits within the Ministry of National Security’s Five-Pillar Strategy for Crime Prevention and Citizen Security. The JMS will support the overall mission of DCS to contribute to a better society by effectively securing and transforming offenders for successful reintegration, thus helping Jamaica to serve as the Caribbean Centre of Excellence in Correctional Management. The JMS will provide a single source of truth to 17 probation offices, 7 adult correctional centres, and 4 juvenile centres.
MonitoringDesigning Systems to Support Judicial Reform for the European Court of Human Rights in Armenia
Synergy will design and develop the Integrated Office Management (IOM) system for the Office The Representative of the Republic of Armenia. The project aims to support Armenia in the execution of ECtHR judgments in which violations of Article 6 of the Convention are established. The major groups of such judgments include improvement of access to justice, prevention of the non-execution or delayed execution of judgments of national courts, and development of remedies concerning excessive length of judicial proceedings.