Synergy International Systems, Inc. has committed to the UN Global Compact’s ten principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption and has signed as a signatory member in April 2020. With this act, Synergy reinforces its pledge to act as a good member of global society and play a role in transforming the global corporate world into a more sustainable one.

UN Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate citizenship initiative. At the heart of the Global Compact is a conviction that business practices which are rooted in universal principles help the global marketplace to become more socially and economically inclusive, thus advancing collective goals of international cooperation, peace and development. Hence, the UN Global Compact has developed 10 principles to provide its member companies with a blueprint guiding their actions into shaping a global corporate culture of doing business responsibly, protecting the planet and ensuring that all people are blessed with peace and prosperity.
“Our participation to the UN Global Compact strengthens the business practices that have always been fundamental to the way Synergy has been operating for the past 23 years,” says Dr. Ashot Hovanesian, Synergy’s CEO and Founder. “We remain committed to continuing practicing business – both products and operations – in a mode that advances the broader development goals of the United Nations, including the SDGs. Moreover, we are willing to undertake new practical actions that will contribute to the increase of responsibility of the global business community”, adds Dr. Hovanesian.
Synergy’s mission as a software development and consultancy company is helping governments, donor organizations, international nonprofits and global companies improve their service delivery and organizational effectiveness, as well as achieve informed decision-making.
In signing the UN Global Compact, Synergy joins over 9000 companies and organizations around the world, who have committed to corporate citizenship and responsibility. As a signatory, Synergy complies to complete and submit an annual Communication on Progress, demonstrating its progress working towards the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact.